Get to know us

Always Advocacy is dedicated to finding ways to help other surviving victims of homicide. Our daughter Liz was taken from us suddenly in the darkness of a morning in January of 2019. In that one instant our whole reality was altered. Navigating the grief, anger and loss is overwhelming. Even worse is having to suddenly learn and adjust to the criminal investigation process with the law enforcement agency of record for your case.

In the years since our daughter was murdered we developed some new and valuable ways to work with law enforcement to support their efforts to find those responsible and bring them to justice. We are offering those insights here - to anyone that needs them in hopes that we can help by shining a light through the darkness for other families.

Bob & Rosemary Nuelle - July 2023

Our daughter Liz loved the Harry Potter franchise. She learned the calligraphy hand used in the Welcome to Hogwarts letters. SHe recreated and sent many people a personalized version of the letter for special occasions. The phrase Always with three stars was at the bottom of every page - we love the sentiment.

She is Always with us - we feel her presence.

Our mission

We will help where we can by offering guidance based on our experience and insights. We are interested in the broader scope of helping those most in need of assistance. We will be working with other groups and individuals to become a part of the victim advocacy landscape. A community that should be more visible but sometimes is not.

Our vision

We want families devastated by the evil and violence of a loss due to homicide to have access to resources offering guidance, insights, and knowledge about the process of seeking justice.

Our team

Robert J. Nuelle, Jr.

Rosemary T. Nuelle

Liz's Parents

Taken During A Christmas Remembrance of Homicide Victims at Crime Stoppers of Houston

Liz Nuelle Barraza

Taken During her wedding February 2014. image courtesy of candace Moore - Minerva house.